Riot Around: Suburbia
June 4th, 2020 | Published in General
“So take heed if you live in the city
In a part where the tourists won’t’s tread
And beware if you maintain resistance
And choose not to be one of the led
And if you’re out in suburban gardens
Don’t let them plant lies deep in your head
’cause you too could come home to no home
Or to find your family dead”
- Mischief Brew, Save a City
I can slowly feel the creeping threat of Authoritarianism
I feel scared for my family & my comrades of color
My sisters are risking their lives
Because one of our brothers got shot
Take these protests to the suburbs!
They are 2 sides of the same coin
Needed to get attention and change
Of course, the youth will riot
We have nothing else to live for
Trump has officially been compared to Nazis by parts of his old administration
Every day seems like something better and radical can happen
I ask for my middle-class comrades to look in the mirror
See that the state abuses us as a buffer to maintain power and stop us from connecting to our working-class comrades
How I am considered sub-human for not fitting the heteronormative binary
Yet viewed as a stranger when I find comfort with such a label
Using education as a means of emancipation
and making ‘mac and cheeseless’ to confuse my parents
I use love and rage because all successful revolutions are fundamentally based on them…..
So keep on fighting
Wether protest or riots
for each other!