An update

October 15th, 2021  |  Published in General

As of currently I am back in physical school

now carrying an autism diagnosis with speech therapy and support groups

it’s a new feeling to feel like you’re a person even as I unravel trauma in therapy and restructure myself


im rambling here and that’s the point

I think little acts of resistance and subversion are important

that’s why I believe in direct action

if actions speak louder than words then that means people need to care for eachother and work together

if you want to stop a conspiracy theory then you fight back and don’t let it spread

thats why people pirate research (I think)

because this lack of autonomous flow of information that gets the needed fact check

the experimentation and all of that is neefrd


of course education should be free and accessible to all

but, it feels strange to be open and say that I’m an anarchist in the special education classroom


because at the end of the day teacher’s jobs mean that we educate, inform, question, and check!


Please stay safe wherever

check where things sprout from…

and make sure your plants don’t get infected with viruses

jusr like we see others happen all around us


working on a research project regarding special education and anarchism

I hope it comes out well!



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This duck wants to remind you that despite all the bad stuff in the world. Things can and will get better