
April 28th, 2020  |  Published in General


Poetry by Story



(FYI: my views are subject to change and are not permanent as I am imperfect like all things) 


I do agree

That voting on its own can’t start a revolution


“Everything and anything can be revolutionary. The most insignificant tool can begin an insurrection. Anything that is fulfilling, healthy, and doesn’t harm anyone else can be medicine. As a community and as individuals it is a revolutionary act to be dedicated to consent. Doing anarchy and doing BDSM are not things that intersect often except in the lives of people who practice both. However, if there is something that both the anarchy-bow and ethical BDSM practices can give to the struggle for a just society, it is the skill of active consent. And everyone gets a unicorn.” – Hexe, Queering Anarchism page 236


I understand voting as an informal verb: used to express a wish to follow a particular course of action.


And as a noun: An act of expressing a formal indication of choice.


But, sadly: politics has turned into a public entertainment show for the powerful to laugh and enjoy….while we stand as meaningless ‘extras’ and ‘side characters’ whose sole purpose is to conflate and prop-up the ego of the main character


Negate the entertainment show of the state

 Don’t just vote get active however you can!

A Ballot in a box on its own won’t ensure liberation

You have to work together autonomously to get stuff done!

I think there’s a big difference between

Electoralism vs. Voting


I view voting just how meetings in the IWW are held as noted by these excerpts from the paper: “a place for unstructured discussion and brainstorming”, “Implementation is next. Who’s going to do it? How? With what money, equipment, support? By when?”, “Accountability is next. The committee or individual has agreed to do it, by this date. The larger group needs to hear that the job has been completed, or, if not, why not and when it will be done or what needs to happen to get it done.”, “The last part will, in some cases, be reviewed and drawing conclusions or lessons. The project didn’t really accomplish what we wanted it to, and we think that’s because of this and this. We’ll do this differently next time. Or, this thing worked really well, because of this, so let’s remember to try to repeat these good procedures. This is how we learn and advance.”


I view votes as a decision/choice voluntarily made by a person with autonomy as the word voting comes from the Late Middle English word  ‘a vow, wish’ (source). I believe that the so-called “voting” in electoralism is just a way of feeding the illusion of genuine autonomous voting through the system aka pseudo-vowing as it’s very well documented in the electoral college where people participate in pseudo-vowing as we do not make decisions but, others (who play an aesthetic spectacle) choose for us and can go against people’s wishes


We must negate the pseudo-vowing of the state vs. lively discussions and ideas that can be changed, criticized, voluntary, and autonomous!

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This duck wants to remind you that despite all the bad stuff in the world. Things can and will get better