Tucutes: Against the Genderist-Medical Nightmare of Truscum

February 29th, 2020  |  Published in General

An argument by 




This is an issue that most likely won’t be the interest of many but, will affect a lot of vulnerable transgender people (including myself). I want to start this essay by stressing the fact that I am not a doctor but, that I have enough lived experience In the transgender community to see the very real and harmful effects that these people and ideas have on everyday trans people (and the community as a whole [1]) trying to live their lives in spite of a cold and alienating world and the harmful effects of genderism [2], cisnormativity [3] and respectability politics [4] has on us as a whole.


What are truscum/transmedicalists: analyzing hatred and fascism’s flavors 


Transmedicalists or ‘Truscum’ as they label themselves is an ideology that views dysphoria and hatred of one’s gender presentation or biological features necessary for transitioning [1] this usually leads to speculation of the majority of cis-passing trans people (who are mostly white, able-bodied, affluent [2]). This is very angering and concerning as we have YEARS of gender theory and philosophy that shows that not everyone fits societal expectations [3] [4] [5]. I am a personal example of not fitting normative expectations, as I identify as transgender not because of dysphoria (although I fit the ‘trapped in the wrong perception’ not ‘trapped in the wrong body’ narrative) but, because of my trauma, culture, and environment.


 Trauma, is usually this life-altering experience that takes place in humans all through time that changes our perceptions of the constantly changing world around us, I have a lot of emotional trauma (that I mentioned in another piece I wrote here) I have a lot of traumatic experiences in my life ranging from being in the crossfire of family issues all the way to having to talk people out of suicide because they can’t get hormones [6] these are very serious issues that people dance around, we have seen massive changes in mental health advocacy which now helps us address this [7] This is especially important with mental illnesses becoming more accepted rather than stigmatized [8], these things affect our identities it obscures things that are typically viewed as “normal” like gender roles [9], people [10], memories [11], etc. Culture also plays a role in this which I shall discuss in my next paragraph.


Culture, in this case, Latinx culture can serve as a notable example of culture affecting identity (I speak from personal experience) that’s quite different from our Western counterparts [12] like very powerful machismo ways of thought [13], or fear-mongering religion (which is present due to colonialism and indigenous erasure [14] [15]). This is present everywhere especially heavily reinforced forced within media [16] [17], normally women within Latin American media are only viewed as objects of sexual pleasure [18], this affects my view of my gender identity specifically because of the fact that gender is heavily policed in Latin American culture in this culture you are either male or female this has changed my view of gender as I view myself as non-binary specifically because I don’t fully fit either cultural gendered categories of Latin America’s gender binary, besides who said that children cannot look pretty in polleras? I don’t know but, I’m going to subvert that cultural boundary anyways because it’s one of the only ways I’m able to embrace my heritage within my culture….subverting sociocultural structures that try pinning me down!


When leftists discuss fascism and it’s flavors and intersections one must take into consideration the fact that fascism and exclusion take many forms not visible to the general public, this is why intersectionality exists [19]. In this case I will discuss the transmedicalist connection to fascism and negative eugenics and the environment it has created in trans culture [20]. I’m specifically making a connection with transmedicalists and negative eugenics because during the Nazis time in Germany negative eugenics was a popular way to get rid of “undesirables” [21] This is especially prevalent 75 years later [22] when we take into account the fact that transmedicalists have attempted to justify their claims that being trans is a mental illness that needs to be cured via transitioning [23] [24]. This violent growing minority has lead to a lot of toxicity and harassment within the trans community [25] [26] [27], I will discuss and present examples of Internalized-Transphobic Exclusionist Politics in the next section.


Notable Cases: Online and In Real Life


Within modern times even in 2020 infighting is still an issue within numerous communities, people like Kalvin Garrah [1] or Blair White [2] are examples of ITEP (Internalized Transphobic Exclusionary Politics). Both of these individuals have massive fan bases that have been responsible for pushing transmedicalist ideology and has created a ripple effect of bullies and exclusionists in the trans community (and exclusionists of different disgusting flavors and ideologies) [3] [4]. Organizations like “LGBdroptheT” [5] and LGBAlliance [6] serve as examples of why people (especially those who are close to marginalized people) should spread awareness and fight back!


Another Issue, that this problem brings is the fact that transmedicalists have weaponized their ideology with other groups has erased the suffering that BITPOC (Bisexual Trans People of Color), QTPOC (Queer Trans People of Color), and MOGAI (Marginalized Orientations, Gender identities) people face. This is very concerning as the majority of transgender people that tend to face violence are Black or POCs [7] [8] [9] and on the first day of this decade another trans person was killed [10]. 


Now, we have to do something about these bullies and issues [11] [12] and I think that the solutions are already within us! Organizing, Negating, Love, and hell, use your own personal tactics, is what we will discuss in the final section.


Negating Ignorance and Championing Self-Love


I think, that if we want to truly dismantle these ways of thinking then we should take some lessons and notes from Trendercore [1], Kate Bornstein [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7], and plenty of lessons from the Free Love Movement [8], Queer Theory [9] [10], Community [11] [12], and Ourselves [13].


When we love ourselves we are truly unstoppable and unconquerable and when we negate, nullify, and dismantle the tools of domination and oppression by using and making our own tools and our own personal way of living [14] only then, will we be able to wake up from and escape from the Genderist-Medical Nightmare together.

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