Against Americanism

April 10th, 2020  |  Published in General

Poetry by Story




A fascists American spirit

It’s a center-right nation

But, history shows a different story

In the last 2 decades Americanism gained power

Creating deadlier methods to carry forward

Spreading misinformation, scams, and trying to kill & acceptance from the people that lack ability to challenge such an atrocity!


Across the earth pop-fascism is taking hold

We are the future

The ones who have to deal with the corrupt courts

Those who debate  fascism and give  it a platform to speak empower it


By debating something so inhumane and torturous

They openly show their disregard for the ones like me

Who face them on the front lines

Blind to the fact that my existence……is inherently against facism….


Such is the logic of America’s Mainstream News

Attempting to choke us with apathy and ignorance

To not educate ourselves

Who defend the billionaires privatization of the foundational building block to literally everything


Anarchists will often say to not vote

Because voting supposedly does nothing….

Yet….we tend to forget about the difference between the voting within a local union like the IWW and the flawed and monstrous electoral system of the united states

If we cannot make the distinction between voting and electoralism

Then we inevitably help fascism stay alive….

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This duck wants to remind you that despite all the bad stuff in the world. Things can and will get better